About Face
Photo by Marta Xochilt Perez for The Maryn
Simplistic and artistic with a touch of Neo-Classical. William McLure does it again with this interior design project. We are particularly drawn to this one because it gives us an insight into the designers own home in Alabama. And, as expected, we love all the art! He is an artist, as well as a designer, which is why we always enjoy seeing his projects. All in all, this neo-classical look has us head over heels.
Terra Cotta Bust of Man with Cement Remnants | France, 1940 (BJ6)
Abstract Oil Painting by artist Andre Lapiere titled "COMPOSITION" | Germany, 1960 (BD155)
Abstract Oil Painting by artist Andre Lapiere titled "COMPOSITION" | Germany, 1960 (BD155)
English Regency Upholstered Mahogany Chair |
England, 1820 (BJ161)